Got into a rabbithole and stumbled upon the /now page movement while working on something completely unrelated and found it somewhat interesting, so I may as well create a now page in lieu of the nonexistent about page.
I realize that most of the things I do are usually time-constrained or conclude once the task is completed, so there is a nontrivial probability that this devolves into a todo list.
Last Updated: 2025-01-12
- Trying to not take on too many things at once and drop them, as well as balance my technical interests and “have a life” (mainly staying active and having non-negligible social interaction) - I fear this may be a permanent state of existence, but I also worry for the day where it isn’t because I have ended up with neither
- Trying to share things to be interesting but not be overly personal, weird, stupid, or have my information used against me - I also fear this may be a permanent state of existence
- Insert generic technical stuff
- Starting a new PL block; hopefully I chip or approach some PRs
Not Now
Things I’m looking forward to in the future, as well as an archive for any interesting things that once resided in now.