Whether you’re looking to configure LuaSnip for the first time or find some niche new techniques to make a very specific function 0.0001% easier to type, there’s a guide for you! Also, feel free to take a look at my snippets here for some references. (semi-obligatory self plug)
I’m also in the process of creating a plugin that provides a lot of common (LaTeX) snippets like friendly-snippets; let me know if you’re interested.
If you find any typos/errors, issues, or places I can improve on, feel free to do one of the following:
Note: I am not affiliated with LuaSnip (and definitely am not sponsored); I just need snippets to offset my slow typing speed so I can take LaTeX lecture notes live for my classes.
Note 2: I’m currently in the process of overhauling the guides. This include some minor reorganization - I’ll have a UltiSnips to LuaSnip guide, a LaTeX-specific guide, and a few Advanced LuaSnip Guides. Expect a bit of content to be shuffled around.